Wednesday 21 August 2013

Natural Parenting Through Touch

Small hands grasp your nose as you stare down at the little angel in your lap. You read exploration and amazement in your baby’s eyes as he/she scans your skin and features, tugging curiously at your ears and hair, even the occasional slaps they give which could hurt so bad. It may all seem like quiet, peaceful and sometimes painful fun, but the attachment your baby is making with you through touch is preparing his/her brain for a lifetime of learning.

As it is said that babies and kids who received regular massages from their parents reaped a number of benefits, such as better sleep, less anxiety and a stronger immune system, it also helps strengthen the bond between parent and child. Yup, that's what I said; massage!...Massage has been shown to help kids fall asleep faster and snooze more soundly. And that has a big payoff in the classroom...

Parents don't need to wait for children to come to them for touches, hugs, whole-body-scoops and kisses.  Being regularly physically affectionate with kids of all ages actually helps maintain the emotional connection they share with their parents.So as long as a child wants cuddles, parents should give them; you too daddy.
Parents should find ways to keep physical affection alive as kids get older. This keeps the parent-child bond strong. When that bond remains strong, challenging behavioural situations decrease and discipline becomes less intense overall. 

I remember suddenly falling ill one day while in secondary school, running a high temperature, I had to be taken home during school hrs (ofcourse I was happy I was missing school). Was in my room when my mum returned from her outing, sat right next to me on my bed and touched my face gently. With a reassuring smile on her face, I felt warmth and instantly well. As unbelievable as this sounds, it is fact. The Power Of Touch.

Some ways of being physically affectionate with kids on a regular basis include: Cuddles, Physical Play, Kisses and Hugs

Little ones need lots of picking up, holding and hugging.  As children grow and become more independent and social, opportunities for cuddling naturally diminish, and it becomes important for parents to take extra effort to find ways to physically connect with them. 

Reading to a child on the couch or in bed is a wonderful way to get close, as it invites leaning into, lying on, snuggling, touching, and arm-wrapping.  Even watching a TV show or movie (DVD 5 pands...hehehehe couldn't help myself) together is a great occasion to sit close and connect, even in daddies sacred den. 

So mummies and daddies, whether it’s a gentle squeeze or big hug, a cuddle or a kiss, your touch can be all that would make a difference in your little angels life.

Spread the mantra...



  1. The premise of your post is unassailable. I frequently connect with my two year old son; engaging in many bouts of tickling, horse-play, and yes, many hugs. Those moments of laughter are the highlight of this stage of fatherhood for me. My precious 1 month old son is next- Khena Awudu.

  2. Denise says:"It is true, most GP practices have now baby massage sessions/lessons taught by health visitors/midwives :D I used to go when I was doing my training. I enjoyed the article".
