Teach by Example
Provide an example of how to properly behave. Be mindful of how you speak and act in social situations, as well as in front of the family. The phrase "children learn what they live" really is true. Showing your child how a successful and happy adult lives is the best way to parent effectively.
Take a pro-active stance when it comes to your child's activities. Be active in sports, academics, artistic endeavors, and anything that they are interested in.
Encourage Good Behavior
Reward your child for work that is well done. Praise and acknowledgment is key for the self-esteem and development of any child and will give incentive to continue. Make your child be responsible for a chore other than their own space, for example, taking out the trash.
Establish Open Communication
Open communication is key to good parenting. Ensure that each day, you have a discussion with your child about how things are going at school, with friends, or just general talk. Find out about any upsets so that they can be addressed and handled quickly. Ask your child if she has anything that they would like to talk about. Deal with questions and answers fairly and openly, giving as much factual information as possible. By being open and relaxed, you will establish a safe space in which your child can communicate. Be prepared to offer information and suggestions to solve problems. Always make time available to discuss any issue that comes up.
Mentor Your Child
Effective parenting is essentially great mentoring. Teach your child how taking responsibility can pay off. Demonstrate how being involved in their community is key to being a good person.
Become Involved in Your Community
By getting involved in your own community, you can show your own child how positive social activity can be effective and inspiring. This experience will teach your child about understanding and tolerance, and demonstrate how changing the life of another person can be so rewarding.
Always remember that you are the first role model your child will ever have, make the best of it.
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