Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Lego Not Ipad, Come On Kids!!!

My cousin Oshapi came over to the house yesterday and as usual, there was so much to talk about...the guy just always seems to have major drama around him *giggles*. Was good catching up though. 
So we got to the most fascinating topic, the kids and how they are all so smart and gadget savvy. Teased our generation and how even normal VHS was a trip for us when we finally figured out how it worked, yet kids of these days are breezing through apps on our smart phones and tabs like they had proper training. Talk about picking up your smart phone, going through your picture library and seeing over 30 pictures of your child after he/she has tried taking the perfect photo while you were making a meal. Some even help reorganise our documents and files...guess they weren't pleased with our own arrangements.
Its simple; these children watch us parents use one from birth, so it is only natural that as soon as their tiny fingers can swipe a screen they would imitate this behaviour and learn how to operate one themselves.
And it’s only natural that, as time-poor parents most of us are, we would download age-appropriate apps for them, reassuring ourselves of their educational benefits while enjoying the free babysitting service for a while.

This brings me to question if there is a negative effect to children who start handling these gadgets at such tender ages?!

Kids are transfixed by iPads and smart phones, so when the device shuts off or is taken away, they go into a full-fledged tantrum, screaming and crying for the device. Its been said that the more parents use iPads, smart phones or similar devices to calm their kids down, the less likely the kids are to learn how to calm themselves down naturally. In other words, if kids are constantly pacified with an iPad, they won’t be learning the skills to come down from a tantrum.
When children spend so much time playing games on these devices, getting somewhat addicted to them, it doesn't encourage socialization with other children, but is rather solitary and inspires a trance-like state in our kids. Most times they don't even want to share by taking turns playing games on the device.

On a more positive side, as from 20 months and at the age where words are fascinating to children, educational interactive apps can be introduced with the hope that pointing at letters, numbers and shapes on the screen and hearing them spoken will reinforce the learning process. It could also enhance reading of books, and there are quite a few interactive books available in the iPad.  
Its worth knowing that, the idea that so much time spent looking at the screens so close can affect the child's eyesight, studies show that it doesn’t do any real harm.

What is strongly recommended is that screen time should be limited to the barest minimum, be it TV, Ipads or smart phones and as much as possible, there should be adult supervision.

Whatever happened to just giving them a tub full of Lego!!! Sheeesh...

So, how has the iPad and smart phones been received in your family? What sort of limits have you placed on it for the kids? Leave a comment and let us know.
e warned that the condition prevented young people from forming normal social relationships, leaving them drained by the constant interaction.
“Children have access to the internet almost from birth now,”
“They see their parents playing on their mobile devices and they want to play too. It’s difficult, because having a device can also be very useful in terms of having a reward, having a pacifier.
But if you don’t get the balance right it can be very
- See more at:
She told me she had developed an obsession with the device and would ask for it constantly. She was using it three to four hours every day and showed increased agitation if it was removed - See more at:
She told me she had developed an obsession with the device and would ask for it constantly. She was using it three to four hours every day and showed increased agitation if it was removed - See more at:

1 comment:

  1. Ur writings/topics always provokes a positive thought and also teaches a life lesson that adds value to the up bringing of kids by sensitizing their parents/care givers
