Thursday, 19 April 2012

Secret to a Happy Home

As a newly wed, I tend to examine so many couples and watch how they run their homes and the different philosophies used in building the relationship with each other. Some couples I know have set certain rules based on the norm that each partner has his or her role to play in the home and as long as these rules are followed and both parties play their roles, there is bound to be a happy home. But what I feel this leads to is just a stereotype home where there is little room for flexibility, the little perks that make marriage fun. In other words, a BORING HOME!!! Does not assure a happy home.

In a stereotype home, parents can rightfully demand honor and obedience from children, but they must be worthy of such honor. Many things might be excused to preserve the peace of a home; but once a husband starts ordering his wife and children around as slaves, it will not be a happy home. When there is abuse and cruelty; an offending spouse is stripped of authority by the One who is the source for all authority. The secret to a happy home is to embrace a sacrificial love. If this is to be realized in marriage, then it must be mutual. The husband pours his hopes and dreams and life into his wife. And for the wife, she pours all her longings and love into her husband. When there is this mutual self-donation, a couple may always be filled and whole. Indeed, their love may bear the wonderful and mysterious gift of children whereby God makes them co-creators with himself. When one gives and the other only takes, the one finds him or herself empty and the other caged in selfishness. Such a mentality is at the root of cold marriages and adultery, resulting in unhappy homes.

Once we all learn to imbibe the culture of embracing a sacrificial love in our respective homes, I believe we will all be on the right path to attaining true inner peace, creating a solid foundation for raising our children in a healthy and loving environment. within!!!

1 comment:

  1. The best home to raise a child, is one where love abides.
